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Business Class to: Ethiopia

Tips for your next business travel


It’s best to show up on time for a meeting even though you may end up waiting.

It is best to pay respect to the highest ranking person in the room and then follow accordingly. Greet elders or VIPs first, but not at the extent of ignoring others.

Always start with the requisite greetings – how are you, how is your family, how is work, etc.  This can go on for minutes before getting down to any business. 

The person who is hosting the meeting should open, lead, and close the meeting.

Government officials, directors, etc. (generally the highest ranking person) will usually start and end the meeting, but as a foreigner, you will likely be invited to speak.

Business Cards 

Always give and receive business cards (as well as certificates, bills, etc.) with the right hand, placing your left hand on your elbow to support your right hand and show respect.


You must bargain or you'll be broke, but don't expect to get the appropriate price all the time or you'll go mad. 

It’s acceptable to walk away to get a better price or consult with several shops.  Remain generally calm, but feel free to show shock or indignation at high prices.

Meetings at Coffee Shops

The famous TO.MO.CA. Coffee is the leading and the first coffee company based in Addis Ababa,

Alem Bunna off Bole Road is another traditional favourite, while Kaldi's Coffee chain offers a more modern, Starbucks-esque experience, popular with hip and trendy young things.

Extra tip: The delicious Ethiopian version of a macchiato is worth a try -- many foreigners confess to being unable to start their days without two of them. Or you could ask for a spriss, which is half coffee and half tea.

Food: Injera

Injera is a type of flatbread made in Ethiopia and several other East African nations. The bread is a staple food in Ethiopia, where it is served with almost every meal.

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